Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Attack of the Shushers

Ok, I don't know if that's even a word. *Pulls dictionary out of...well you know where* Hmm, shusher....ok, so not really a word but you get the idea. Those people who need to keep any sort of noise from distracting their movie/concert/whatever by repeatedly shushing those around them...loudly.

I mean, c'mon, I'm all for being able to hear the music instead of some drunk guy's conversation, but those OCD shushers usually end up being even more distracting. But hey, they do sometimes give the band new material to use on I guess not all bad.

And once again I become distracted by the memory of the shusher...

Honeyhoney! They had quite the show Friday night at the Hotel Cafe in Hollywood. The house was packed, and thanks to Mr Laswell selling out his show prior, they even had a line wrapped around the building...and anyone who knows that driveway at all...the fact that no toes were ran over (or side mirrors taken out) is the the new modern day miracle.

Ben and Suzanne where ready to rock and look sexy while doing so. They started out with some new material that focuses on toys...don't ask, I don't know, but they rocked. For shits and giggles they even brought the whole band along for the ride. Their set list included "Black Crows, Not For Long, Little Toy Gun" and other foot stompin fun. So the short and sweet of it all, they came, they rocked, they sold CDs. Next time, wouldn't you rather experience the concert for yourself instead of reading about it? Do yourself the favor, make the drive (however far it may be) and check them out when they're rockin a stage near you!

We got spirit, yes we do!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

HoneyHoney sweetens up San Jose at Bella Mia

So first let me clarify one thing about this band courtesy of Suzanne's word, not two! No matter how you spell it, HoneyHoney = one sweet experience for your ears.

So Ben and Suzanne were in San Jose's downtown spot Bella Mia (do you have to italicize the name of a restaurant?? whatever) along with Ferras courtesy of Mix 106.5

I could tell you boring things like the playlist, (O_o I've done that before...) how we heard songs such as Bouncing Ball, Little Toy Gun or Give Yourself to Me (among others). But I've found that simply hearing names of songs played doesn't really give you the feeling of actually experiencing it yourself...I may as well start reading out of the dictionary (aardvark, ambiguous, apple...)...well that and I was having too much fun enjoying the show to keep track of the setlist!

What I will tell you of is how Ben and Suzanne have a way of making you feel like you're sitting at a family reunion (or bah mitzvah, thanks for that Ben), not with a bunch of random strangers. Their banter with the audience, with themselves makes you laugh til your sides hurt. You learn things about their music that bring a whole new meaning to a song (Let's just say Little Toy Gun isn't referring to your normal "sidearm." Still confused?? Ask Ben, he wrote the song!)

But the thing I noticed most of all, was the audience. Talking to people before the show, not everyone was familiar with HoneyHoney or their music, some were. Probably the next best thing to actually hearing the band is watching others get into the music. Watching them transform from spectators, merely watching what's going on around them, to participants, feeling the energy of the song, letting it become part of them.

Ok, maybe I'm reaching too far with that last line, but it really is a cool thing watching people as they get into the music. That's the cool thing about music, it brings people together.

Oh, and the previously unknown (at least to me) Ferras? That boy has some amazing vocals. And even more, some amazing lyrics and stories to go with the songs.

Now go and discover new music while I cross out another "to do" on my life accomplishment list..... (use the word aardvark in a blog.....check)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Monday night's concert - The Last Goodnight

Yup, still behind on the blogging front, but eh, at least I'm getting it the same week....right? Ok, back to the concert.

The Last Goodnight are an amazing band all the way from Connecticut. Had the privilage of seeing/meeting them back in July when they and Sara Bareilles opened up for Rocco Deluca on his headlining tour. They're a fun band, slightly poppy rock, but don't be fooled, these guys are seriously amazing musicians.

There were some opening bands...not really sure the names except for one. Got to the Fat Cat and it sounded like someone was being tortured! Ok, slight exaggeration, but not the music my ears were wanting to be subjected to. Hung outside, talked to people I knew, made friends with the security guards. The last opening band, La Rocca...great guys from Ireland who know how to play and play well! They are an amazing band, and they have great accents! Check out their music!

Then came The Last Goodnight! *insert happy dance here*

I honestly don't remember the setlist...was far too busy dancing around/singing along/snapping up pics and videos to write anything down. But as always, they were amazing. I mean seriously, you have the lead singer Kurtis who has an amazing voice, Leif on bass, Mike on lead guitar, Anton providing backup vocals and guitar, Ely on keyboards..and well usually Skeeter on drums, but due to a family emergency, he wasn't able to be there, but their producer Jeff Blue kindly stepped in and kept the beat going.

The venue was great, and even though there was a small crowd (only about 50 or so) I'd say it was the best show I'd seen from them! The guys were great and stayed around after, talking to everyone and just having a great time. If you haven't already, check them out

Will try to put up videos/photos maybe later.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Oh yeah, I am supposed to blog...Rocco Deluca at the Hotel Cafe!

Wow, been so busy with concerts, life, and work completely forgot I even had this blog! *slaps hand* Bad Holly. Eh...oh well. I come bearing a review of my most recent concert experience! Rocco Deluca and part of his Burden (Ryan Carmen and Dave Beste) at the Hotel Cafe on 5-18-08. Enjoy! I know I did.

Oh, and if you haven't already, do yourself a favor and check out the band's music!

Last night I had the privilage of seeing Rocco, Ryan and Dave play for a packed house at the Hotel Cafe in Los Angeles. The show seemed to be sold out and there were still people in line hoping to buy a ticket.

On to the set list!

Gloomy Sunday - this song likes to rip out my heart, stomp all over it with the pain you feel emanating from the song, and then gently put my bruised heart back in place with a hug, leaving me breathless at the sheer brilliance of it.

How Many Times - another brilliant song, both for the lyrics and the guitar playing/singing he always brings with it

Gift - need I really say more?

Dope - Rocco's music is drug of choice and I am happily and wonderfully addicted

Swing Low - This song continues to be one of my favorites both the cd and live version. Every time I hear them perform this live I am rendered speechless at the talent and the cohesiveness of this band and the heart and energy they put into each song.

Nightengale - Another one of those songs that makes your heart break with the raw emotion you can feel emanating from it, yet you refuse to part ways because of the sheer beauty of it.

Wayfaring Stranger - One of those songs that always give me chills with the power and emotion of the way he sings this song.

I Trust You To Kill Me - Maybe it's because this is the song that got me hooked as a fan of the band to begin with, but I don't think I will ever find a more perfect song or an ending to a show than when they play this song. This song, as is the same with Swing Low, Painfully Pretty and others is great on CD, but LIVE?? You really don't want to get me started. But I will anyway.
They take a 5 minute song, and transform it into an 8-10 minute full-out jam session. Once again it's apparent how cohesive these guys are when they play. Rocco smoothly transitions from the song itself to a 2-3 minute showcase that reaffirms that he is the real deal and is among the ranks of the best guitar players of all time. Not to be forgotten, Dave plays so well off of whatever Rocco is doing that I find myself becoming entranced with the sounds he is producing. And the backbone of it all is Ryan on the cajone. Pounding out the rhythm, until all you know is the feel of the beat of the percussion and sounds of the guitars, creating a mixture that can only be described as perfection.
Just when you think you can't phsically take anymore, that every fibre of your soul is ready to burst, they smoothly transition back to the song, leaving you with your mouth hanging open, entranced and wondering what the hell just happened!
Needless to say, despite some sound issues, this was an amazing show. The crowd was definitely into the music. Rocco and the guys were constantly joking and telling stories as guitars were tuned and sound issues were taken care of. All in all a good night! Unfortunately I have no pictures from the show as flash is not allowed (though some chose to bend the rules). That and I was too enthralled by the music to bother.

Friday, January 25, 2008

here's to a new year

So with the new year I've decided to start a new activity in my life, blogging. Ok, that's a lie really, I'm all over the internet, got the Livejournal, the myspace page and probably 5-6 email accounts....

I know, internet obsessive....but I digress.

Anyway, last year music became my life...that and working and driving in my car. At 24 years old I found my passion in life. Figuring it out at that age, well I don't know if I'm ahead or behind the game, but it's given me new direction/motivation in life.

I was meant to discover and share new music. It's what gives me the greatest satisfaction in life: finding an amazing new band and sharing them with the world...or at least my friends. So here's the point of my I find new bands, I'll share them here. My likes, my dislikes. I'm no expert (at least yet) but I have passion for music, and will gladly share that with whoever is unfortunate enough to stumble upon my page. So be prepared for my ramblings about music/concerts (and really whatevere else I care to ramble about).