Friday, January 25, 2008

here's to a new year

So with the new year I've decided to start a new activity in my life, blogging. Ok, that's a lie really, I'm all over the internet, got the Livejournal, the myspace page and probably 5-6 email accounts....

I know, internet obsessive....but I digress.

Anyway, last year music became my life...that and working and driving in my car. At 24 years old I found my passion in life. Figuring it out at that age, well I don't know if I'm ahead or behind the game, but it's given me new direction/motivation in life.

I was meant to discover and share new music. It's what gives me the greatest satisfaction in life: finding an amazing new band and sharing them with the world...or at least my friends. So here's the point of my I find new bands, I'll share them here. My likes, my dislikes. I'm no expert (at least yet) but I have passion for music, and will gladly share that with whoever is unfortunate enough to stumble upon my page. So be prepared for my ramblings about music/concerts (and really whatevere else I care to ramble about).